Stemming from a concept created by schools in England, every student is sorted into a House where they will remain for all of their Lourdes years. Houses generally meet three times a month for activities centered on relationship building, service, and teamwork.

The benefits of a house system are the enhanced opportunities to build relationships with students and teachers, a sense of community in being part of a smaller family within one large school, and for every student to have an adult advocate to provide guidance when needed.

Each of our houses is derived from the Latin word for our discipleship traits – Courage (Fortitudo), Hope (Ancora), Respect (Dignatio), Integrity (Probitas), Service (Ministerium), and Thankfulness (Gratia), which together spell out CHRIST.

House Fortitudo


House Fortitudo (for-ti-tude-o) – courage, moral valor, bravery

Patron Saint
St. Joan of Arc – Feast day is May 30th

Bible Verse
“Do not be afraid;
just have faith.”
— Mark 5: 36

Learning Target
I can take risks to do what is right in God’s kingdom.

House Ancora


House Ancora (an-core-a) – hope, support, refuge

Patron Saint
St. Maximilian Kolbe – Feast day is August 14th

Bible Verse
“They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength.”
— Isaiah 40: 31

Learning Target
I can have faith in myself, others, and God.

House Dignatio


House Dignatio (dig-na-ti-o) – respect, dignity, esteem

Patron Saint
St. Francis of Assisi – Feast day is October 4th

Bible Verse
“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.” 
— Matthew 7: 12

Learning Target
I can recognize, honor, protect, and value how all are created in God’s image.

House Probitas


House Probitas (pro-bi-tas) – integrity, honesty, virtue

Patron Saint
St. Charles Borromeo – Feast day is November 4th

Bible Verse
“Let us love not in word and speech, but in deed and truth.”
— 1 John 3: 18

Learning Target
I  can be faithful and true to others and God in all situations.

House Ministerium


House Ministerium (min-is-ter-ium) – ministry, service, duty

Patron Saint
St. Mother Teresa – Feast day is September 5th

Bible Verse
“The greatest among you will be your servant.”
— Matthew 23: 11

Learning Target
I can pursue the needs of others before my own.

House Gratia


House Gratia (gra-si-a) – gratitude, thank, favor

Patron Saint
St Josephine Bakhita
Feast day is February 8th

Bible Verse
“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His mercy endures forever.”
— Psalm 107: 1

Learning Target
I can express gratitude in all situations.

TEstimonials for our school:

Paul, Class of 2000

I treasure the memories and education I received during my time at OLL (Pre-k through 8th). Little did I know that I would spend my future career as an aerospace engineer, mostly in the area of aerodynamics/fluids, for companies like GE and NASA. I have been awarded over ten U.S. patents related to my engineering design work in power generation. I owe a great deal of my professional success to the science and mathematics education I received at Our Lady of Lourdes.

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